Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tips On Saving Up For A LONG Trip

For a LONG trip you need a LOT of money. This involves sacrifice... you won’t make it anytime soon without any. Trust me -- I had to get my shit together to make sure this trip happens. Here are six examples of sacrifices I’ve made to make this trip possible.

Let me start off by saying, if you don’t currently have a job...get one, you can’t save money if you’re not making money.

1) Move back in with your parents: It ain’t glamorous, and not a hit with the ladies. But you save on rent (and potentially food), and who said you had to bring that chick from the club back to your place? Do you want this potentially crazy person knowing where YOU live? Probably not... and even though you’re on your way out, you don’t want her stalking your parents now do you...

2) Bring your own lunch to work: I spent on average $6-7 on fast food for lunch every day at work. That’s $30-35/week and well over $100/month. You’ll save money and have better food. (And potentially lose weight!)

3) Make your own coffee: On a normal day I order about 2 large coffees which is almost $4/day. By using an old coffee maker, I managed to scratch that out of my daily expenses.

4) Quit smoking...cold turkey: Yeah this one sucks! But if you can do it, it will pay off in many ways. I managed to save $80/month. I say cold turkey too because those quit smoking aids are more expensive than smoking itself... Also, none of this “smoke when I drink” bullshit either, save that mistake for when you’re on vacation.

5) Cut down on your partying: Host parties at your place, go to house parties, chill with friends. Avoid clubs and lounges like the plague! Clubs and bars tend to tack on expenses to your night where you’re essentially paying for nothing. Cover charges and bartender tips tend to fall into that category (then again I wish I could get paid to bend over and get a beer out of a fridge!). Go on student nights, find the happy hours. Trust me, this tip right here cut down a huge chunk of my expenses!

6) Save your pocket-change: We use our pocket change for the most frivolous expenses. My tip is to not spend anything under a $2 coin. Those quarters and loonies add up fast. In 3 months I’ve gathered almost $200 in coin... save those pennies!
$193.50 in coin...it was heavy...

Overall, by following these tips you’ll be smarter with your money and you’ll be able to save up big time! Also, the skills you learn to save your money for your trip will help you manage your money while on your trip.

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